Daily Prayer Meetings - During their 1909 Great Campaign, one of the most important and forceful features were the Cottage Prayer Meetings. Under the direction of the chairman of this committee, Rev. Inman, these meeting were brought to a success in numbers and attendance, and there were hundreds of home in the community thrown open to prayer meetings that had never before been offered for such a purpose.
There were weekly meetings at the executive mansion and they proved a great success in every sense of the word. Governor and Mrs. Deneen cheerfully threw open their residence for this purpose every Wednesday, and the attendance and influence were very marked and notable. The influence and endorsement in this campaign by the Governor and his wife have been highly appreciated by the Christian people of the community and state. These meetings were led by Mrs. Sunday, Mrs. Muirhead, Miss Miller, and others.
These Cottage Prayer Meetings were attended by as many as 1,500 people in one day. This is quite remarkable, when the duties of all who attended these meetings are considered.

Source: Reverend William Ashley Sunday, Meetings At Springfield, Illinois by Springfield Ministerial Association

The Billy Sunday 1909 Celebration Prayer Committee would like volunteers to host or lead cottage prayer meetings just like they did in 1909. If you'd like more information on volunteering please submit the contact form below and include your interest in the notes section. We'd love to get in touch with you with more information.